(재)일본군성노예제문제해결을위한 정의기억연대는 다음과 같이 2021년 8.14세계일본군‘위안부’기림일 관련 국내외 지원사업 선정단체를 공고합니다. 김학순 공개증언 30주년을 맞아 진행된 세계일본군‘위안부 관련 기림사업에 지원해주신 모든 분들에게 감사드립니다. 2021.6.14.

❍ 경과 - 사업공고 및 접수: 2021.5.6.(목) ~ 5.31.(월) - 심사위원회 선정 : 2021.6.7.(월) - 개별연락 공지 : ~2021.6.11.(금) ❍ 문의 - 이메일: info@womenandwar.net - 전 화:
02-365-4016 Accepted Proposals: August 14 International Memorial Day for Japanese Military “Comfort Women” The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (hereinafter the Korean Council) announces accepted proposals for the August 14 International Memorial Day for Japanese Military “Comfort Women.” We thank all organizations for submitting applications for the Call for Proposals: August 14 International Memorial Day for Japanese Military “Comfort Women''. June 14, 2021

Overview -Call for proposals and submissions: May 6 ~ May 31, 2021 -Selection Committee: June 7, 2021 -Individual notification of selected proposals: ~ June 11 ※ Inquires: Email the Korean Council at info@womenandwar.net