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<베를린 소녀상을 함께 지켜냅시다!>

독일 베를린 평화의 소녀상은 정의와 평화를 염원하는 한국과 세계 시민들의 모금으로 세워졌습니다. 

소녀상은 세계 곳곳에서 지금도 발생하고 있는 전시성폭력에 경종을 울리는 보편적 여성인권의 상징물로, 불행한 역사를 다시는 반복하지 말아야 한다는 평화를 향한 다짐입니다.

소녀상은 오랜 침묵을 깨고 피해자에서 인권활동가가 된 피해생존자들의 용기를 모여주고 있습니다. 가해국 일본의 범죄만 기억하는 것이 아니라, 현재 진행중인 여성에 대한 성폭력을 막겠다는 세계시민의 굳은 다짐을 표현합니다.

철거 위기에 놓인 소녀상을 함께 지켜주세요!

#독일베를린소녀상철거반대 언제든지 할 수 있는 두 가지 행동

◼️ 첫 번째! 세 곳에 항의메일 보내기

시민의 힘으로 세운 베를린 미테구의 소녀상을 철거하려고 하는 독일 베를린 시장의 '소녀상 철거 시사' 발언에 항의해주세요!

첨부한 docx 파일을 다운로드 받아 날짜, 이름 부분을 수정한 후 항의메일을 보내주세요.

◈ 독일 외무청: 

제목: [Letter of Protest] Install the Berlin Statue of Peace permanently!

June 날짜, 2024

Federal Foreign Office
Werderscher Markt 1
10117 Berlin

Letter of Protest

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, 이름(영문), as a concerned international citizen, am writing this letter to the Federal Foreign Office of Deutschland.

On May 16, 2024, the city of Berlin announced in a press release that May Kai Wegner visited Tokyo, Japan, and “proposed a solution to the controversial issue of the Berlin Statue of Peace.” Mayor Wegner stated that he was “in favor of monuments that speak out against violence against women, but that they should not be one-sided” and that he was “in dialogue with all relevant representatives, including the district and the federal government, and will also involve the Japanese ambassador to Germany in the discussion.”

The Japanese government is relentlessly disrupting and removing the Statue of Peace, including the USA (San Francisco, Glendale, etc.), Argentina (Buenos Aires), etc. As a concerned citizen, I would like to emphasize that the Statue of Peace is a universal symbol of women’s human rights that urges attention to wartime sexual violence that still occurs internationally. Victim-survivor Lee, Yong-soo, clearly stated that the statue “is a symbol of world peace without war, as embodying numerous victims worldwide. It should not be removed.” The statue has future implications for peace.

I strongly condemn the removal attempts of the Statue of Peace.
I urge that the mayor of Berlin and the German government recognize its historical significance, as well as its importance of women’s rights and human rights.
I demand the permanent installation of the Statue of Peace in Berlin.


◈ 베를린 시장:

제목: [Letter of Protest] Install the Berlin Statue of Peace permanently!

June 날짜, 2024

Kai Wegner
Jüdenstraße 1,
10178 Berlin

Letter of Protest

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, 이름(영문), as a concerned international citizen, am writing this letter to the Federal Foreign Office of Deutschland.

On May 16, 2024, the city of Berlin announced in a press release that May Kai Wegner visited Tokyo, Japan, and “proposed a solution to the controversial issue of the Berlin Statue of Peace.” Mayor Wegner stated that he was “in favor of monuments that speak out against violence against women, but that they should not be one-sided” and that he was “in dialogue with all relevant representatives, including the district and the federal government, and will also involve the Japanese ambassador to Germany in the discussion.”

The Japanese government is relentlessly disrupting and removing the Statue of Peace, including the USA (San Francisco, Glendale, etc.), Argentina (Buenos Aires), etc. As a concerned citizen, I would like to emphasize that the Statue of Peace is a universal symbol of women’s human rights that urges attention to wartime sexual violence that still occurs internationally. Victim-survivor Lee, Yong-soo, clearly stated that the statue “is a symbol of world peace without war, as embodying numerous victims worldwide. It should not be removed.” The statue has future implications for peace.

I strongly condemn the removal attempts of the Statue of Peace.
I urge that the mayor of Berlin and the German government recognize its historical significance, as well as its importance of women’s rights and human rights.
I demand the permanent installation of the Statue of Peace in Berlin.


◈ 주 독일 대한민국 대사관:

제목: [Letter of Protest] Install the Berlin Statue of Peace permanently!

June 날짜, 2024

Botschaft der Republik Korea
Stülerstr. 10,
10787 Berlin
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Letter of Protest


Dear Sir/Madam,

I, 이름(영문), as a concerned international citizen, am writing this letter to the Federal Foreign Office of Deutschland.

On May 16, 2024, the city of Berlin announced in a press release that May Kai Wegner visited Tokyo, Japan, and “proposed a solution to the controversial issue of the Berlin Statue of Peace.” Mayor Wegner stated that he was “in favor of monuments that speak out against violence against women, but that they should not be one-sided” and that he was “in dialogue with all relevant representatives, including the district and the federal government, and will also involve the Japanese ambassador to Germany in the discussion.”

The Japanese government is relentlessly disrupting and removing the Statue of Peace, including the USA (San Francisco, Glendale, etc.), Argentina (Buenos Aires), etc. As a concerned citizen, I would like to emphasize that the Statue of Peace is a universal symbol of women’s human rights that urges attention to wartime sexual violence that still occurs internationally. Victim-survivor Lee, Yong-soo, clearly stated that the statue “is a symbol of world peace without war, as embodying numerous victims worldwide. It should not be removed.” The statue has future implications for peace.

I strongly condemn the removal attempts of the Statue of Peace.
I urge that the mayor of Berlin and the German government recognize its historical significance, as well as its importance of women’s rights and human rights.
I demand the permanent installation of the Statue of Peace in Berlin.


◼️ 두 번째! 소녀상 영구존치 독려 손편지 쓰기

베를린 미테구에 있는 소녀상을 여태까지 지켜주신 분들에게 감사를 표하고 철거 압력에도 지지 않기를 바라는 연대의 마음을 담아 손편지를 써주세요. 

Stefanie Remlinger 미테구 구청장에게 보낼 손편지를 작성한 후 6월 30일까지 우편, 이메일, 팩스를 통해 정의기억연대로 보내주시면 발송하겠습니다.

◈ 정의기억연대 주소: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 11길12, 1층(03967)

◈ 이메일: / 팩스: 02-365-4017