1월 8일 일본군'위안부 피해자들이 일본국을 상대로 제기한 손해배상청구 소송에서 원고들에 대한 피고 일본국의 손해배상책임을 인정하는 기념비적인 판결이 선고됐습니다. 판결의 의미를 알리고자 다음과 같이 국제심포지엄을 진행합니다. 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다!
3차 국제심포지엄 <일본국 상대 일본군‘위안부’ 손해배상청구 역사적 승소: 정의와 진실에 대한 권리회복
〇 일시: 2. 26.(금) 16:00-20:00 (한국 시간) zoom으로 진행
〇 신청: https://forms.gle/sZxKwtWStxRWW4KY7
〇 공동주최: 국회의원 김영주, 민형배, 양기대, 이용선, 이재정, 한준호, 홍익표 의원실(더불어민주당), 국회 한반도 평화포럼
〇 공동주관: 일본군성노예제 문제해결을 위한 정의기억연대, 민주사회를 위한 변호사모임, 일본군‘위안부’연구회
〇 언어: 한영 동시통역, 자료집 제공
〇 문의: 정의기억연대 이메일 info@womenandwar.net
On January 8, 2021, the Seoul Central District Court made a historical ruling on the lawsuit filed by Japanese military “comfort women” victims for damages against Japan. The judgment is the first to acknowledge Japan’s legal responsibilities for victims of Japanese military sexual slavery, which was a systemic and extensive crime against humanity committed by Imperial Japan. The ruling was also groundbreaking in excluding state immunity for crimes against inhumanity.
Please join the international symposium to learn about implications of the ruling from diverse perspectives from international law, women's human rights and universal human rights!
International Symposium Korean Court's Historic Ruling on Japanese Military “Comfort Women”: Restoring the Right to Justice and Truth>
〇 Date: February 26 (Fri) 16:00-20:00 KST (GMT+9) / 07:00-11:00 (London, UK) / 08:00-12:00 (Berlin, Germany; Rome, Italy) / 17:30-21:30 (Adelaide, Australia)
〇 Zoom link for panelists to be provided during the week of symposium.
〇 Co-hosts: Republic of Korea National Assembly members Kim Youngjoo, Min Hyungbae, Yang Kidae, Lee Yongsun, Lee Jaejung, Han Junho, Hong Ihkpyo (Democratic Party of Korea), Korea Peace Forum of the National Assembly Member’s Study Group
〇 Co-organizers: The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, MINBYUN – Lawyers for a Democratic Society, and Research Network on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery
〇 Language: simultaneous interpretations and booklet provided in Korean and English
〇 Inquiries: 정의기억연대 이메일 info@womenandwar.net