
  • Account number : 069137-04-014198
  • Account holder : The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
  • Address : 12, World Cup buk-ro 11-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Bank name : KOOKMIN BANK
  • Bank address : 26, Gukjegeumyung-ro 8-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • Paypal account : Direct link >

Choose to Donate :

1. The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan

Donations to the Korean Council will be used for various domestic and international programs including Wednesday Demonstration, War and Women’s Rights Museum, digital archives, and international campaigns at the United Nations or abroad.

2. Butterfly Fund

As the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery victims suffered from violence in war, there are countless women across the world who still suffer in conflicts. On International Women’s Day on March 8th, 2012, the Japanese military sexual slavery victims Kim Bok-dong and Gil Won-ok promised to support women who still suffer from sexual violence in conflict with reparations they would receive from the Japanese government.

The Butterfly Fund supports victims of sexual violence in conflict in Vietnam, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and other places, following Halmonis’ messages. Butterfly Fund’s donations only used as Butterfly Fund.