NOV | The 33rd civil division of Seoul High Court (Presiding Judge Hoe-geun Koo) found Japan liable for tortious acts in a lawsuit filed by victim-survivors of Japanese military sexual slavery |
SEP | Visited the 54th United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) as RoK NGO Representatives and attend the presentation, participate in official events and side events, and provide oral statements |
JUL | <War and Women's Rights Archives> service open <Civil Solidarity for Historical Justice and Peaceful Relationship between Korea and Japan> raised <Civil Fundraising for Historical Justice> for victim-survivors of forced labor mobilization by Japan |
JUN | 1600th Wednesday Demonstration |
NOV | To punish those who insult, deny, and defame the victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, The revision of <the Act on the Protection of the Victims of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan> was proposed |
AUG | <Civil Solidarity for Historical Justice and Peaceful Relationship between South Korea and Japan> was created by 610 NGOs |
MAR | <Butterfly Fund> 10 years anniversary round table was held |
JAN | 30 years anniversary of Wednesday Demonstration |
AUG | For the 30th anniversary of Kim Hak-soon's public testimony, international symposiums, exhibition and etc were held |
JUL | 1500th Wednesday Demonstration |
MAY | Starting of official <Butterfly fund> support to organizations in Palestine |
NOV | Celebrating the 30th anniversary of The Korean Council, an international symposium was held,<The history and meaning of 30th anniversary of the Korean Council movement, the voice of the post-victim era, the 30 years we will create" |
SEP | Supporting the establishment of the Statue of Peace, in Berlin, Germany |
AUG | 8th International Memorial Day for Japanese Military ’Comfort Women’ |